GROWTH > Setting a Vision for a Hospitality Business

XYZ is an SME operating in the hospitality sector. It runs a small chain of resorts, hotels, and restaurants in North India. The owner was not satisfied with his existing domain and wanted to try out different ideas. He was not sure how to weave his thoughts together to create a compelling business idea/ vision. Hence, the owner approached us and sought help.

After a series of workshops with the client, we came up with a unified vision. The theme of the proposed vision was that the company should be at the forefront of enabling natural living. We defined the concept clearly for the client and integrated three business verticals namely; hospitality, healthcare, and farming into this vision. We also identified a high-level business model for the three businesses.

The project was completed in less than three months. We conducted brainstorming workshops with the client and carried out secondary research within a recognized framework to articulate the company’s vision. After identifying the vision, we also sketched a high-level strategy for the client’s shortlisted businesses.

- Vision-setting framework
- Client inputs during the workshops
- Market research

As the business was family-run, it required a drastic change in the mindset. The client was satisfied with the vision and is currently generating buy-in within his family in favor of this vision.